Decorating a Small Entryway
Hello Friends!
With temperatures getting warmer, so are the colors in my Entryway. This time I tried to challenge myself to use a dominant color that I have never used before.
Decorating my Foyer or Entryway is one of the quickest ways to add Summer touches to my Home.
Everything that was added in here I already had. Which surprised me. Usually when I do these personal challenges, I end up spending $$$.
But I already had everything i needed, so color me surprised!
But I already had everything i needed, so color me surprised!
Most of the orange accessories were purchased 2 years ago from Big Lots and HomeGoods for Fall. But I hope you'll agree that this is a color scheme that could be used year round.
I told "G" last week that to improve my photography skills, that I would be buying a tripod for my camera.
He looked at me like I had 2 heads!
I just stared back, thinking to myself: "you'll get over it, it's $30 bucks".
He got up and disappeared for about ten minutes, coming back with a dusty tripod.
Now I was the one looking at him, like he had two heads.
"Uhhh, where'd that come from?" Thinking I knew every item in this house from basement to attic.
"in the basement"
"Yep, remember the kids first Christmas here? I bought you a video camera to record them opening their presents?"
"I remember the video camera, yesssss"
"Well I also bought you the tripod that went with it, remember?"
Apparently not!
"Well aren't you just the sweetest thing since Milk Chocolate!"
"I thought so"
So now I am trying to learn how to use my tripod. Rumor has it, that if you set it to a ten second delay to shoot your picture, you will get a much clearer shot. Because your hand is not moving the camera.
I took these pic's with my camera just "sitting" on the tripod, not secured and not using the ten second delay.
I just wanted to see how things would turn out. It's like watching the Lucille Ball Show, watching me trying to work the legs, which are adjustable in 3 places (I think?)
But I'm sure after a couple of weeks it will be second nature. But right now it's like a comedy show. Watching the tripod tip to one side, or me trying to figure out how far away I should set it up?

I just wanted to see how things would turn out. It's like watching the Lucille Ball Show, watching me trying to work the legs, which are adjustable in 3 places (I think?)
But I'm sure after a couple of weeks it will be second nature. But right now it's like a comedy show. Watching the tripod tip to one side, or me trying to figure out how far away I should set it up?

Yeah it's been fun!
I mixed in real plants with low maintenance silks. The tiny little plastic ferns used to be in a wreath, that was for my front door. This was about 4 years ago, so it was time to repurpose it.
I hope you enjoyed my Summer Entryway tour, and stay tuned!
I am Porch tweaking next!
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