Hello Hello Hello
Let's start his day off right shall we? Or end it right....because the Great Spirit knows I have enough nay sayers in my life right trying to bring me down with one stupid email
and I refuse to let others get that far in my head
to have THAT kind of control of me
So when a really blogging friend complimented me on my tulips of my last tablescape...
I thought of her this morning
and what she said about the yellow warming her right up...
So out came the yellow plates I bought last year...and never used
Thats like....
a broken tablescape law isnt it?
To buy such beautiful colors and let them rot in a closet
I have to say that once I brought these plates out I started to think of a funny story with one of my daughters and her Harry Potter Book....a hardcover, huge 400+ page book.
The minute she had it, she didn't put it down until she had finished the entire book.
I love that book too, even though I never read it.
Want to know why?
My daughter was at a school concert at the age of 15....when 2 boys sat down next to her and tried to coerce her into going out with one of them.
She replied no thanks, but no.
They teased her about it
she said no....again
The teasing grew more insistent
She still said no
They did it again....she said no, louder this time...
She tried to get up and leave...
Now they were the ones telling HER no
and wouldn't let her leave....
Know what she did?
She hit one square in the nose as hard as she could
with that large Harry Potter Book and started
yelling at them:
"No means no...and it also means don't ask me again!"
and she sauntered off...
God I love that book <giggling>
Ok, before there's someone mad at me, I'd better get my day started....can ya see my friend on the left giving me the stink eye?
I forgot to fill the feeder

Time to put my boots on!