I finally got to spend some time outside porch tweaking...and it didn't involve snow removal. It involved lanterns, silk flowers, rocker cushions and most of all......Flip Flops!
I have never been so excited to wear a silly pair of sandals then I was today
I decided instead of the usual wreath on my front screen door I'd try something different...when I saw the basket at Tuesday Morning about a month ago...it whispered sweet stuff in my ear and just like a teenager, took money out of my wallet.
But I don't care, I love it!
The white stool was a great buy at Burlington over the winter, it was so good it blew my spending budget. I had planned on only spending 20 bucks when I walked in...but when I saw this (after my dish purchases) I generously upgraded my budget another 24 dollars.
I couldn't believe it didn't have a crack, knick or one thing wrong with it and for 24 bucks I knew it wouldn't be there long!
I got my front beds cleaned out of all the winter debris and leaves. It's so nice to finally look out and see little green things starting to poke thru. Now, I told myself that this year I wouldn't buy too many flowers or shrubs.
I told myself (and my sister) that I would be better off if I focused on relocating things. Because as any gardener knows after a few years, things start to need re-arranging.
Now, I am well aware that as soon as I said that outloud,
it's was a flat out lie! I can't pass up a great new plant/shrub anymore then I can pass up a new set of gorgeous dishes.
But maybe it will keep me from going over board
But hey, my BFF has great point:
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