Hi! I finally made my way back to my laptop to give you an update on how the butler's pantry diy project.
I still have dust everywhere, but it’s slowly going bye bye room by room. I am also chief stainer and poly woman so I have all the doors and drawers drying downstairs.
The drywall, tape and mud process took days longer than expected but reno’s usually do, don’t they.
I always have it in my head that it should have only taken us 2 days but given our current reality that was way off base. Especially since we are not professionals.
We also have ceiling and floors to patch up at this point. But we did get lucky when we bought the cabinetry.
It was on sale 

So delays can be a good thing for a budget I guess.
I had hubby keep the cabinets upstairs so I could sit and stare and plan the layout. I like to imagine different scenarios and think things through with peace and quiet.
Not someone standing there with a drill in his hand asking where do I want them. Because when rushed, I always regret my decision.
This is the final version I came up with, so I could have tons of adjustable shelving from the ceiling to the base cabinets.
I am planning on mixing functional storage (pasta, sugar etc. with pretty storage like say dishes?)
You saw that coming didn't you?
The back wall is going to be completely covered in matching wood to cover up the old (not functional) built in cabinet. Even after living here for 8 years the only thing I ever put in there was holiday platters and well, crap.
I am also thinking down the road there is going to be a recessed light moved and I'll give him a sister but lets just write that down for now and get one thing finished first.
I used my kitchen table for a pantry in the mean time which was fun seeing everything laying out all the time.
But every time I walked by it I just kept saying end game Christine, end game.
Using my sofa table as a tool table.
End game Christine
End game
Even the poor dog is tired and she is shedding. Which mixes well with drywall dust I might add. Now if I could just swiffer her around the floor I’d be ok.
I got the base and pantry cabinets stained and poly’d. All the doors are downstairs drying. Tomorrow I will be staining the butcher block countertops and then we will be buying the shelving material so we can get that cut, stained and installed.
After that it will be all about the finishing touches of molding, trim and final paint touches.
Until next time!
If you'd like to see every phase & stage from start to finish; there are links below to see each phase.