While cleaning out my Mom Cave I found out a dirty secret. I am having an affair with a hot body.
The Sun
I am hot for him.
It's true!
While you ponder exactly what I mean, let me show you some before photos of how this room used to look like.
Crap strewn everywhere, literally. I haven't cleaned out this room for 3 years.

Back to my love affair with the Sun
Every time he pops into my life I am giddy. Distracted, to the point where it takes me ten times longer to do anything inside.
I had music turned up pretty loud every time I tackled this room. Music just makes even the most daunting chore fun.
Tove Lo's song "Talking Body" had me singing and talking to all my goodies. Even the ones that ended up being donated.
Now if we're talking body? You've got a perfect one, so put it on me
Swear it won't take you long, if you love me right, we ---- for life
on and on and on
I even got to the point where I was trying to time the back door slamming into my as*, to the beat of the song
Now for the After
After 7 trips to the thrift store. After hundreds of kicks from my foot against the back door, to keep it open. Or my as* slamming into it, arms loaded with bags.
Filled to the point of almost breaking
That furniture piece in these photos came from the Living Room. One drawer holds DVD's.
Now I can use the empty drawer for those tiny little things that I need, but don't want to see.
Excess rope, indoor extension cords I use. (I hide the indoor ones, because "G" has a tendency to store every electrical cord in a huge plastic tub downstairs all jumbled to the point of FEMALE FRUSTRATION)
DISCLAIMER - This post is shows how I organized it, not how I dusted or staged it.
THAT chore happens on a rainy days.
I just tried to clean out and get them where they needed to be grouped.
While we're talking groups, let me tell you how I went ruthless and got rid of 100's of items like: dishes, glassware, pillows and knick knacks I needed to.
My first day in this room was all about
"What haven't I used in months"
That was my 1st SUV load.
The second trip to the local thrift store was all about
"Am I really going to use this again"
Every time I walked back into this room, I asked myself different organizing questions.
My 3rd trip was "Projects". All those ones for the past 5 years that NEVER happened. All those thrift/junk store purchases that after seeing a "pretty"?
My blonde brain would lie to me and say "oh that would be gorgeous as a _______
Or if we did ____ to it it would look amazing!
Yeah I never get around to that stuff. Thanks Pinterest, you suck for making me think I should do it!
I also reminded my blonde spending self, that unless I was RUTHLESS, I was not going to be able to buy one more thing, until I stopped hoarding things that I really didn't need (or was "dating" my home).
I got rid of dated thrift store napkins and napkin rings. Ones that were purchased when $$$ was low and I just felt that I needed napkin rings.
I had convo's in my head about how dated this "piece" was. And in order to keep my home feeling bright and airy and up to date, did I really need a dated looking picture, chicken or table runner?
That would be a NO
I don't like walking into my home and feeling like it hasn't been touched in 10 years.
Those 4 purple bins above
I am now proud when I walk into this room.
That way they are all grouped where I can find them.
tell me
How'd I do??
tell me
How'd I do??