Farmhouse Tablescape
A farmhouse table was in order today in the dining room to set my mood. Plus, honestly, I didn't think anyone would read an article called "Eat Your Beans. No? Ok I'll find something else to do with them."
Cleaning out the clutter and things no longer used or needed, reminded me I had wanted to try a table using candles and dried beans for vase filler. I dumped about 3 bags of beans into some glass containers and really loved the look when the sun hit the table.
I cannot say that my canon camera loved it however. It has been giving me lens issues every time I try and zoom. I have almost hit the "buy" button about ten times but just cannot seem to justify that kind of money to buy a better - next level camera yet.
I did end up treating myself to a newer cell phone instead. I was doing some internet browsing on peoples favorite apps for it and came across some free photo software and the pics you see here are all from the I Phone XR and the app called "Focus". I think they are turning out better then my old camera and I may not need to buy one now.
No this is not a sponsored post. Just the ramblings of someone who is liking her new phone and that maybe she doesn't have to buy a new Camera.
It was easier then I thought. I just picked the ones with dust on them. I filled the back of my SUV and was laughing at the shocked faces of the Salvation Army crew when they saw all the bounty in the back of my car. I got hugs and several god blesses as I drove away. Guess they liked wine glasses, end tables, various candle holders, dishes old scarves and table runners. Plus cookbook holders. I honestly didn't realize I had 3 different types of cookbook holders.
I don't even open my cookbooks so they might be in my next donation haul.