Achillea 'Firefly Peach Sky'
This time of year a Gardener is just starting to feel like they caught up on their sleep and the ol' back ache has eased up a lot after last years season. Now we get to plan because the seed and plant catalogs start showing up. It's the perfect time for me to show you the list of new perennials that are coming our way for the year.
I feel like comparing the new plants for the year is similar to Fashion Week. The new colors and textures to fall in love with and get inspired by.
Plus, the way I garden; the tried and true method of "I have to have that, now where am I going to put it" technique. Walking the lots filled with new flowers and the smell of fresh potting soil.
Don't get me started!
But let's get started on the new arrivals for 2020. I wanted this post to be about flowers and color, so for more details and zone info, please click on the pictures to go directly to Proven Winners site for their instructions and care.
Achillea 'Firefly Amethyst'
Firefly Sunshine looks like a true show stopper that would help other colors pop even more. Definitely a must have for my love of purple in the flower beds.
Achillea is also a great pollinator perennial as well drought tolerant. I know if I see one of these babies while out trolling for more flowers, I will not be able to pass these up!
Allium Serendipity is one I do own and absolutely adore! If you'd like to see them planted in my yard you can watch my video on YouTube: Alliums in the garden. This performer will not disappoint, trust me!
I already promised myself that Brunnera is a must buy this year. I have one spot left in my yard, that is shady and these babies are going there.
If you're new to gardening and want a low maintenance performer, then Echinacea is one you'll need. Put these babies in full sun and water once a week, they'll love you. Drought tolerant and leave the seed heads in the Fall for the Birds. Have your camera ready too to watch the pollinators flock to these babies!
Hibiscus SUMMERIFIC® 'Evening Rose'
I planted about 20 low ground cover phlox in the Spring of 2019, so I am excited about these varieties and cannot wait to see them at Garden Centers.
Any Sedum you buy is going to be a gorgeous Fall color show and they are not water hogs. So, no dragging the hose out every day.
I hope you've enjoyed the preview of what you're going to see coming this year. I am already making notes and walking in my dormant flowerbeds, wanting to see some color and texture.
Hurry Up Spring!